Are we really developing our young leaders?

When I hear the word leadership or when I think of a leader I think of a person who doesn't sit back and wait but they stand for something and they are passionate about it.  These people want to lead and not just be heard. Understanding this, I pose a question: what are we doing as current leaders to groom up the next wave of young people? It's easy to tell them what is wrong with their culture and to judge them. Why judge when we can simply be using this time to develop a new generation of leaders?

In the church I have observed many believe church is an "old mans" game. There appears to be no spots for young men and women to come and do what God has called them to do. I've seen ministries push young people away rather than put an arm around them and groom them. 

If you have a platform to encourage and support please do not forget about our young people. Young people grow up to be old people and we need wise new leaders. We all must do a better job including myself yet I feel like it must start at home first. One can only lead by example, so what is the example your setting?

Dwight To Blame?

Dwight Howard, the most sought after free agent of the summer chose Houston as his home and is now a member of the rockets organization. People are giving him a hard time and talking about him negatively but why? Dwight Howard is no different from any person in the world. He just changed jobs and made the best move for himself. We can't judge someone for doing something if we don't know the reasons and all the facts. I pray Howard gets himself together and he finds peace in Houston because he seems to be all over the place and unsure about his life. Now that he gets another fresh start let's sit back and see what happens next. 

I wasn't expecting this..

When a person expects something  they prepare themselves to see or receive. When someone expects that means they have hope or they wait for something to take place. if we are honest there are certain things in life we all expect. Everyone expects when they go to work they will get paid, we expect when we call someone they will answer the phone; however, I want to ask a question. What happens when something you do not expect happens in your life? How do you handle losing something you did not plan? It is some stuff we have all lost prematurely and it is stuff we all wish we could get back. 

How do you bounce back from something that almost crushed you on the inside? In many cases physical pain can be healed. When you get cut you can put a band aid on it. If you break your arm you can put a cast on your arm and expect for it to heal. Many people suffer from pain on the inside where each day is a struggle and  people have no clue. In many situations if they told someone what they have been through they would not understand. Many people keep stuff deep on the inside and they let things build up until they cannot take anymore and they do something they regret. Life will make you want to stop trying but you can not stop trying but you must keep going. Things happen to make you better, so be better today and live your life.

How to mange stress in your life

Hearing the word "stress" alone in cases will stress someone out. One thing we can't avoid in life is stress, because stress can come in so many different ways. I'm learning that being in control of your life and having realistic expectations about your day to day challenges are the keys to stress management. We can't eliminate stress but yes we can manage it and by doing so we can live a more happy and fulfilling life. The devil will always try and put things in front of us so that we will get unfocused. It's very important that you keep and hold on to your righteous mind and it's key that you keep a clear mind.

You must be mindful of the things you expose yourself to. Because when you expose yourself to something you are opening up yourself to receive something that may hurt or harm your growth as a person and also your spiritual growth. Fasting is a great way to clear your mind as well as prayer because you can release some of the stress by talking to God. Do not let stress beat you down but beat it by being sure to manage and focus on what's positive in your life.

Summer Series: life is not a game!

This summer our church has began a new series entitled "Life: Is Not a Game". In this exciting summer series we will be talking about different situations and trials that we all face and deal with. Additionally, we are talking about how we can all overcome life's obstacles due to God's faithfulness even when we are in the midst of situations. We are a few weeks into the series and we plan to finish it in September. The goal is to encourage people and show them that in life we may get down but we must allow God to pick us up

Do I need to fast really?

Fasting is something that people are indifferent about and is something some people embrace and others stay away from. Spiritual fasting is in my opinion one of the best things you can do in your life in terms of getting closer to God. In my experience with fasting I was able to clear my mind and become more focused on top of being reminded of the things that's important in my life. Fasting doesn't always mean from food, here are a few other things to fast from.

talking on your cell phone 
watching TV
listening to music

Their are so many other things you can fast from. The purpose behind a fast is to help you put down anything that is getting in the way of your relationship with God. Fasting is not required anywhere in the Bible for Christians, but I ask me all the time why wouldn't you be willing to give up or sacrifice something for Christ who gave up his life for you. Hope and pray you were encouraged by this and I pray for your strength in the Lord during your next fast.


Distractions are the biggest inhibitors to reaching goals and a become great roadblocks on the road of success. The problem with distractions is they come in all shapes, forms and fashions. Unfortunately, distractions are generally self-imposed. Individuals constantly make decisions to allow these things to take them away from those things, which ultimately takes them away from the most important things. Often times sin works the same way; it’s the result of a little distraction over here and next thing you know your decisions are way over there. Getting distracted is a choice and if you want to be successful and have a fruitful journey, you must learn to stay focused and choose not to get distracted.

New Day

It has always been interesting to me that people say they want more for themselves yet these same people are still standing in the same place unwilling to take any initiative  that indicates they want to move forward. On the other hand you have those who have a movement or want to start a movement but they have no purpose. Movement without a goal and no direction is no movement at all. It is simply a collection of unorganized and frustrated people. The moves you make now will dictate your future. We all have made some mistakes and done things we've had no business doing, but what are you doing today to make yourself better? Change starts with you. Why wait?

What's your story?

If you have ever been through anything or are currently going through something, you have a story to tell. A testimony is simply your autobiography. People may know things about you, they may know where you're from, but they can't tell your story or walk in your shoes.

For the longest time I was afraid to tell people my story. I was afraid to tell others what God had done in my life because I thought they would judge me. One of the worst things you can do to yourself is hide what God has done in your life.

First, God let you go through things because he knew you could handle it and second, because he knew if you got through it you would be able to help other people around you seeking to get through it.

Many people just sit back and watch how you handle things in your life. If people see that you can overcome and make it through your situation they will feel like they can get through it as well.

Remember, your problem is bigger than you and what God can do in your life is more than you will ever imagine if you choose to take the first step and put your faith and trust in God. So don't trip over your situation. Trust in God and when he gets you through turn back and strengthen the others around you so that they can be encouraged by what God has done in your life.

Starting Life Church?

At Starting Life Church the goal is to build a community of people who want to win, but only through Jesus Christ. God has called me through our church to encourage and help people understand their purpose in life. So it was appropriate to name the church "Starting Life Church" because I believe if people can understand who God is they can understand their purpose more clearly. 

Starting Life Church

Over the years in ministry I have seen and had the chance to meet with different people inside and outside the church and I've noticed that many people in the church were no different then those outside. How you might ask? Because there were people in church that didn't know really who God was and people who didn't know their purpose in life. As the pastor of this church my goal is to encourage people to go deeper in their relationship with God and also understand their calling and then teach them how to walk in it. The Bible is an amazing tool but it must be used and used in a way that people can understand so that they can take what they learn and start to live it. I don't have all the answers as a young pastor but I can say what God has called and given me to do. I pray that if you don't come to Starting Life Church that you're involved in a church that's teaching the truth and preaching Jesus Christ. I also pray that you are doing more than sitting but actually going out and making an impact in your local community because we can't change the world until we change those around us.

What's Going On At Starting Life

This month we have had the pleasure to volunteer at the local nursing home and I was able to connect with some wonderful people. 

Our "Friday Night Live" service is a new service I began last month that I'm excited about. Last month it was great and people were truly

Our church will be involved in a local MLK event which will be awesome and we are currently working on a small project for National Day of Service.

Additionally, we have teamed up with local community leaders to assist with's "Teens for Jeans" Campaign.

Finally, at the end of this month we will be going out into our own community to distribute free food. These are just a few of the exciting things we have going on inside and outside of the church this month. 

Taking On A little To Much?

Are you Stressed? Something we all have to deal with and go through weather it's with a job or at school or even at home. If we can be honest for a moment its something we all have to deal with or have dealt with in some way in our life. There are different signs of stress you may ask what they are for starter's panic attacks which causes shortness of breath, dizziness. Secondly there are physical Symptoms such as headaches, stomach cramps, and chest pain and many more... Thirdly depression which is feeling empty and wanting to be alone and last but not least suicidal thoughts and we all know what that means!

50-90% of people in there lifetime will experice some type of traumatic experience. What am I saying we can't avoid problems or issues we are human. The Bible says in Psalms 51: 5 "Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me."  So since we understand we were born into stress, born into worry, born into pain. The question should be how can we manage that??

Matthew 6; 34 "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Jesus tells us here not to worry and I know you're saying well that's easy to say but hard to do. Why? Is it because the devil has brainwashed you into believing the same God that created you and knows every hair on your head has some how forgot about you. God didn't make us to worry or to stress we have to learn to lean on him with our problems and situations because they are big to us but little to him. After this day live stress free put your trust on Jesus the one who tells us in Matthew 6; 25-34 to not trip over stuff we can't handle and he tells us that he has it all under control. So after today what's your excuse??

It Is Never Over

At some point in time we have all felt as if we have been forgotten and no one cares about us. There is a story I read about a guy in the bible who had leprosy. Leprosy is a disease that causes your nervous system to shut down and eventually causes your nervous system to shut down causing you to lose your ability to feel. Back in those days those who had lepers were forced to wear clothing that was torn and had to reside outside the town.These people weren't allowed to have contact with anyone including their family or friends because these people considered the "living dead" were constantly being rejected and left with thoughts of suicide. So the depression rate during that time was amazing.

Much like this story we all at some point in our lives have felt despised, forsaken, forgotten, ignored and judged. The good news is we don't have to stay depressed. In the story Luke 5 12-16 Jesus came along and healed the man from his condition. But the man first asked Jesus if he was willing to heal him. So many times we don't open up our mouth and ask Jesus to meet us at our needs and then wonder why we still are going through the same problems.

Just because things are bad today and you seem like there is no hope always keep your faith and understand who is in control of your life. We forget this when things get hard and we trust ourselves don't let this be you. First we have to know that problems come and go and what doesn't kill us will make us strong. God will never put you in things that are to big for you because he promised not to put more on you than you can bear. The moment it becomes unbearable is the moment you must realize he didn't put it on you.

Series: "Things Have Changed"

This month I've started preaching a series entitled "Things Have Changed." The first person to invent the wheel only discovered what God had already designed, for the Lord created things in circles. Life moves in cycles, every one hundred years, we have a new century every 365 days, we have a new year and every 24 hours we have a new day. God has created the potential for new beginnings. Often we get so caught up in our past that we can't see what God wants to do in our lives. We must make our lives simpler and stop complicating things. If we will learn to just commit, submit and believe we can start moving to where God needs us to go. In this four part series I'm showing and teaching people how and what steps to take in order to see a real change in your life.


Human Trafficking Is Real

It is National Human Trafficking month, when we hear the words "sex trafficking," as Americans we immediately think of women and children overseas who are being forced into the sex trades or who are brought into the United States for the purpose of sexual exploitation. But you will be surprised to know that it's many sex slaves that are right here in the US. 

And you may be asking how is this possible? Pimps prey on young women by finding their weakness and then exploiting it. It is easier to manipulate younger people, and by the time children become adults, they are broken down. They allow the pimp to get into their mind, it's easy for him to maintain control, this is a real problem going on and we must all pray for anyone going through this or has.

I want you to understand that it doesn't matter where you're from or where you live, sex trafficking is everywhere and is a serious issue everywhere just not overseas but in America as well.

Few numbers to think about:

27 million – Number of people in modern-day slavery across the world.

1 million – Number of children exploited by the global commercial sex trade, every year.

32 billion – Total yearly profits generated by the human trafficking industry.

Pastor Punished For Telling The Truth?

Louie Giglio, the pastor of Passion City Church in Atlanta, was asked by the Presidential Inauguration Committee (PIC) to give the benediction because of his work combatting human trafficking but then Giglio suddenly told the committee that he was no longer interested.

Pastor Giglio was asked why and he responded "due to a message of mine that has surfaced from 15-20 years ago, it is likely that my participation, and the prayer I would offer, will be dwarfed by those seeking to make their agenda the focal point of the inauguration." 

Giglio, where many of his sermons present a traditional view of gender roles and marriage is only guilty in this case of telling the truth and preaching the bible. I just find it interesting that the inauguration committee came to him first without understanding where he stood on the issue. In this generation there are so many pro-gay pastors; however, it's nice to see a man that doesn't mind still preaching the bible and telling the truth no matter what. 

I am looking forward to seeing what pastor they pick to participate in the inauguration and being a pastor myself I can understand and not blame Pastor Giglio for being true to himself and his church by standing for what he believes to be unbiblical doctrine.


It's the first month of a new year and that means it's time for a new attitude and approach to how we think about things. The stuff that we struggled with last year we should keep those things in the past. In 2013 focus on how you can better yourself and the people around you. I hear and see people who say they are going to change this and change that but their mind set hasn't changed. Let's focus on what we can control this year and let God handle what we can't. Let's put our mind set on the things of God and when we do that we won't stress as much or worry about the unknown because we understand where our help comes from. When we do this our approach will change and we will build faith in God. Let this year be a new year that is not like any other by seeking God first and asking him to order your steps.