It is National Human Trafficking month, when we hear the words "sex trafficking," as Americans we immediately think of women and children overseas who are being forced into the sex trades or who are brought into the United States for the purpose of sexual exploitation. But you will be surprised to know that it's many sex slaves that are right here in the US.
And you may be asking how is this possible? Pimps prey on young women by finding their weakness and then exploiting it. It is easier to manipulate younger people, and by the time children become adults, they are broken down. They allow the pimp to get into their mind, it's easy for him to maintain control, this is a real problem going on and we must all pray for anyone going through this or has.
I want you to understand that it doesn't matter where you're from or where you live, sex trafficking is everywhere and is a serious issue everywhere just not overseas but in America as well.
Few numbers to think about:
27 million – Number of people in modern-day slavery across the world.
1 million – Number of children exploited by the global commercial sex trade, every year.
32 billion – Total yearly profits generated by the human trafficking industry.