I Can't Handle It

Are you Stressed? Something we all have to deal with and go through weather it's with a job or at school or even at home. If we can be honest for a moment its something we all have to deal with or have dealt with in some way in our life. There are different signs of stress you may ask what they are for starter's panic attacks which causes shortness of breath, dizziness. Secondly there are physical Symptoms such as headaches, stomach cramps, and chest pain and many more... Thirdly depression which is feeling empty and wanting to be alone and last but not least suicidal thoughts and we all know what that means!

50-90% of people in there lifetime will experice some type of traumatic experience. What am I saying we can't avoid problems or issues we are human. The Bible says in Psalms 51: 5 "Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me."  So since we understand we were born into stress, born into worry, born into pain. The question should be how can we manage that??

Matthew 6; 34 "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Jesus tells us here not to worry and I know you're saying well that's easy to say but hard to do. Why? Is it because the devil has brainwashed you into believing the same God that created you and knows every hair on your head has some how forgot about you. God didn't make us to worry or to stress we have to learn to lean on him with our problems and situations because they are big to us but little to him. After this day live stress free put your trust on Jesus the one who tells us in Matthew 6; 25-34 to not trip over stuff we can't handle and he tells us that he has it all under control. So after today what's your excuse??

Is Church Planting Needed?

Why church planting is needed..  85% of churches in the US are dying. And only 18.7% of the US population go to church. And on avg. 4,000 churches will be closed this year. And we are suppose to be a nation that puts God first. These numbers trouble me and they should trouble you the unchurched population has grown by 92% the last 13 years. So to say we don't need churches is crazy. Jesus needs to be preached and teached I'm learning that people don't have a problem with God but with church. And I don't care about new organization being started but I care about the gospel being spread. People aren't into entertainment but they are into the truth more and more leaders need to step out and teach the truth. If you can't tell or don't know Christ is soon to return and the church has to be ready. I want to challenge pastors and leaders who are serious about the work of God and his people to go out and spread the good news and raise up other young leaders to go out do the Lord's work. Let's go and do it big for the kingdom!

Taking Your Power Back

Do you have all your power?
We all get to a point where we get frustrated with life and get to a place where we will feel like whatever we do isn't good enough. I know that many times in my life i have felt down and out, and felt like i had no hope in my future because of the things and the people around me. But even when I was younger and didn't know who Jesus was, I knew that it had to be something better for me and that things weren't always going to be bad. I have learned that when things are really bad they can only get better! The Bible says in John 10; 10 "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.'' It's important to understand what this scripture is really saying to us. There are three things that jump out to me when I read this verse it says that the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy.

First lets talk about the word steal, in this text it refers to the devil as a thief! We all know what a thief is, someone that takes things that don't belong to them. The enemy wants to take away your joy and your peace, he doesn't want you to be happy. We all go through hurtful and depressing things but God doesn't intend for us to stay there but He wants us to get up from our hurtful and down moments to put our faith and trust in Him. So don't let the thief still your peace and joy take it back!

Secondly the thief wants to kill you spiritually. The enemy doesn't want you to grow in the word of God, he doesn't want you to read this blog!!! He wants you to stray as far away from the truth which is the Gospel. Believe it or not the devil knows that there is power in the word, and he doesn't want you to get power because he knows with that power you will be able to stand up against him and be empowered with the Holy Spirit.

Lastly, the theif wants to destroy your dreams, goals and ambitions. He wants you to think you don't have a future! We all have a purpose and a assignment from God to fulfil, but we must seek the Lord to get direction on our assignment. I notice alot of people stepping out on their own, and doing things with out seeking God on it first. We have to ask God to guide us and to show us the things we should do and places we should go. Don't let anyone kill your dreams or discourage you from what you're passionate about. Follow your heart and let the spirit of God lead you into your destiny. Don't let the people or anything else get in front of the promise God has already anointed you to pursue.

The second part of verse John 10;10 says "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." The person that is saying "I" is Jesus. Christ came to block the thief from stealing your joy, killing your spiritual life and from destroying your dreams. Do you think that God created you to suffer?? NO.  He created you to have a enjoyable and happy life and to love yourself and others. If you're reading this and havent accepted Jesus in your life do it right now, and stop letting the devil play you!


Thank you for checking out our blog. We hope and pray that something is read or heard that will bless you and you can take with you in your day to day life. - Josh Caudle