At some point in time we have all felt as if we have been forgotten and no one cares about us. There is a story I read about a guy in the bible who had leprosy. Leprosy is a disease that causes your nervous system to shut down and eventually causes your nervous system to shut down causing you to lose your ability to feel. Back in those days those who had lepers were forced to wear clothing that was torn and had to reside outside the town.These people weren't allowed to have contact with anyone including their family or friends because these people considered the "living dead" were constantly being rejected and left with thoughts of suicide. So the depression rate during that time was amazing.
Much like this story we all at some point in our lives have felt despised, forsaken, forgotten, ignored and judged. The good news is we don't have to stay depressed. In the story Luke 5 12-16 Jesus came along and healed the man from his condition. But the man first asked Jesus if he was willing to heal him. So many times we don't open up our mouth and ask Jesus to meet us at our needs and then wonder why we still are going through the same problems.
Just because things are bad today and you seem like there is no hope always keep your faith and understand who is in control of your life. We forget this when things get hard and we trust ourselves don't let this be you. First we have to know that problems come and go and what doesn't kill us will make us strong. God will never put you in things that are to big for you because he promised not to put more on you than you can bear. The moment it becomes unbearable is the moment you must realize he didn't put it on you.
Much like this story we all at some point in our lives have felt despised, forsaken, forgotten, ignored and judged. The good news is we don't have to stay depressed. In the story Luke 5 12-16 Jesus came along and healed the man from his condition. But the man first asked Jesus if he was willing to heal him. So many times we don't open up our mouth and ask Jesus to meet us at our needs and then wonder why we still are going through the same problems.
Just because things are bad today and you seem like there is no hope always keep your faith and understand who is in control of your life. We forget this when things get hard and we trust ourselves don't let this be you. First we have to know that problems come and go and what doesn't kill us will make us strong. God will never put you in things that are to big for you because he promised not to put more on you than you can bear. The moment it becomes unbearable is the moment you must realize he didn't put it on you.