Can We Really Question God?


When things happen in our lives the first thing we naturally do is ask...Why? Forgetting that everything happens for a reason and that really we control nothing. It doesn't matter how much money you have or who you are, life will always throw you curve balls and there will be things that happen that will have you wanting to question God, but is that really the right response? No, because how can you question God and he created you. Understanding this will help you put things in prospective for you when it comes to events that happen in your life. I was reading the story in John chapter 9 about the blind man, who before Jesus healed him the disciples asked Jesus a interesting question...

"Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parent, that he was born blind?

Why would they ask this? Many times we think because things are bad or something has happened in our lives that seems challenging that it happened because of something we did. Sometimes God will allow things to happen so that he can get glory out of you through your testimony. Your situation isn't just for you! Why do you think God would want you to just suffer for no reason? Just like the blind man. Jesus healed him but before he was healed he had to go through something he didn't want to endure. Like many of us many times we go through stuff we don't like but remember at the end there will be a testimony and God will get glory.