More churches need small groups |
I can no longer count how many times people have questioned me about the purpose of me starting my small group and why I chose to plant a small group before launching a church. For over a year I have been doing small groups in North Carolina and Virginia and what I have noticed is mind blowing. It's crazy people don't have a problem with God or learning about the bible. People simply have a problem with church and all of its traditions. Don't get me wrong I personally do not have a problem with church. My problem is with people in the church who try and turn others away from it. So many unhealthy churches meet Sunday after Sunday and it's sad that more people are leaving the church than joining the church, but why is that? Well I can tell you my opinion why. It is because the church fails to meet the needs of people and often fail to preach things that are biblically sound. When I officially start a church it's going to be on a strong foundation and centred around the whole truth.
Statistics have proven that small groups work. I personally suggest that any pastor that intends to plant a church first begin with a small group bible study. In most cases specifically in medium to larger size ministries it is very easy to get lost in the crowd. Because of this many are never given the opportunity to build personal relationships with others. That's why small groups are so powerful, they allow small group members to come together in a laid back environment and speak candidly with one another.
The vision for my ministry is to always be centered around small groups because I recognize it's effectiveness and the potential these groups have in changing lives.People so quickly disregard small groups because it is not an idea centered around traditionalism; however, I am sorry to inform you that tradition isn't going to get anyone to Jesus or leave people encouraged to live their life.