We all choose what we want to follow in life. Many times we get caught up in following things and we don't realize it until later. Following the wrong things continues to impact each of our lives. The dictionary defines "following" as to come or go after; proceed behind. What are you going after? That is a question that we all must ask ourselves from time to time because we can get so caught up in life that we forget to follow and go after God. Many times we get frustrated with following God because we feel like there is no reward. But Peter asked the question many of us want to ask God:
Then Peter said to him, "We've given up everything to follow you. What will we get?" Matthew 19;27
Who are you following? |
A question I know many of us want to ask Jesus, right? Jesus tells him in verse 29 anyone who has left behind things for my name sake they will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life. We must follow Jesus and not people or things to get eternal life. How? We must have faith and believe. We can't always see the things God wants to give us but we have to believe he is going to give it to us. God will never lie but people do. Put your trust in him.