We aren't perfect but we should learn and grow from our mistakes. Things that we do go through are suppose to develop our character and make our faith stronger. As the year ends and the holidays approach begin to think about what things you can do better and how you can become a better person. It is never too late to do better. Don't let something you have done or said hold you back from evolving as a complete person. God only created one of you and he wants to know if he can trust you to keep going. I believe that everyone can make a come back from their mistakes and it's not too late to obtain a relationship with God. Keep pushing foward and focus. Do not dwell on what happened this year or last month but concentrate on what you need to do as you move forward.
It's Not Too Late To Turn Around
This year is almost over. I can't believe how quickly it has come and gone. Yesterday I was thinking about everything that I've done this year and I was also thinking about everything I could have done better. Ending this year I'm sure you can think back to things you did that you wish you could do differently.
Is It Really Important?
Recently I had the opportunity to work with a few people from the food bank of central and eastern North Carolina. The people there raised money to end childhood hunger and for me it was an eye opening experience. I began to think about the millions of people in the world who need what we take for granted each day. It really made me put my entire life into perspective. What are your priorities? What in your life has your attention so occupied that it is pulling you away from your top priorities?
I think it's always good when we as people have the opportunity to see how others are living and what they are going through. Seeing things through the lenses of others keeps you humble and forces you to step back and count your blessings.
God wants the best for you and you should want the best for others. If you haven't I suggest that you think critically about your life and put in order right now the things that take up the majority of your time and make a list of things that you know should have your time. I want to leave you with this quote:
"Your life will be a blessed and balanced experience if you first honor your identity and priority."
I Got A Story To Tell
If you have ever been through anything or are currently going through something, you have a story to tell. A testimony is simply your autobiography. People may know things about you, they may know where you're from, but they can't tell your story or walk in your shoes.
For the longest time I was afraid to tell people my story. I was afraid to tell others what God had done in my life because I thought they would judge me. One of the worst things you can do to yourself is hide what God has done in your life.
First, God let you go through things because he knew you could handle it and second, because he knew if you got through it you would be able to help other people around you seeking to get through it.
Many people just sit back and watch how you handle things in your life. If people see that you can overcome and make it through your situation they will feel like they can get through it as well.
Remember, your problem is bigger than you and what God can do in your life is more than you will ever imagine if you choose to take the first step and put your faith and trust in God. So don't trip over your situation. Trust in God and when he gets you through turn back and strengthen the others around you so that they can be encouraged by what God has done in your life.
For the longest time I was afraid to tell people my story. I was afraid to tell others what God had done in my life because I thought they would judge me. One of the worst things you can do to yourself is hide what God has done in your life.
First, God let you go through things because he knew you could handle it and second, because he knew if you got through it you would be able to help other people around you seeking to get through it.
Many people just sit back and watch how you handle things in your life. If people see that you can overcome and make it through your situation they will feel like they can get through it as well.
Remember, your problem is bigger than you and what God can do in your life is more than you will ever imagine if you choose to take the first step and put your faith and trust in God. So don't trip over your situation. Trust in God and when he gets you through turn back and strengthen the others around you so that they can be encouraged by what God has done in your life.
Why Fasting Is A Good Idea
Fasting is something that many are indifferent about and is something some people embrace and others stray away from. Spiritual fasting is in my opinion one of the best things you can do in your life in terms of getting closer to God. In my experience with fasting I was able to clear my mind and become more focused on top of being reminded of the things that are important in my life. Fasting doesn't always mean from food, here are a few other things to fast from:
talking on your cell phone
watching TV
listening to music
There are so many other things you can fast from. The purpose behind a fast is to help you put down anything that is getting in the way of your relationship with God. Fasting is not required anywhere in the Bible for Christians, but I ask people all the time why wouldn't you be willing to give up or sacrifice something for Christ who gave up his life for you. Hope and pray you were encouraged by this and I pray for your strength in the Lord during your next fast.
Let's Give Back
It's not too late to give back. At Starting Life Church we are still collecting clothes for the remainder of this month for those who are less fortunate. The temperature are beginning to drop so if you have any gently used winter items you wish to donate please email us at startinglifechurch@gmail.com
A Few Facts About Breast Cancer
October is breast cancer awareness month. Breast cancer may not affect you or anyone that you know but we shouldn't overlook it because you never know when something can not only affect you but the ones you love. Here are a few things you maybe didn't know about breast cancer.
These are only a few facts about breast cancer that may open your eyes. Don't get me wrong cancer overall is a disease that shouldn't be taken lightly. I pray for anyone that is struggling with any form of cancer because life is short and we can't take our time here for grant it.
- Every 2 minutes, there is a new breast cancer diagnosis.
- About 1 in 8 U.S. women (just under 12%) will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime.
- For women in the U.S., breast cancer death rates are higher than those for any other cancer, besides lung cancer.
- About 85% of breast cancers occur in women who have no family history of breast cancer. These occur due to genetic mutations that happen as a result of the aging process and life in general, rather than inherited mutations.
These are only a few facts about breast cancer that may open your eyes. Don't get me wrong cancer overall is a disease that shouldn't be taken lightly. I pray for anyone that is struggling with any form of cancer because life is short and we can't take our time here for grant it.
High School Racism?
Waverly High School in New York has recently come under fire after an in school pep rally suddenly turned sour.
Three students dressed in black face as Rihanna and Chris Brown performed a skit depicting domestic violence to students, faculty, staff and violence leaving many any an uproar.
Local community leaders, parents and students have now pointed their concerns to high school administrators questioning their reasoning for approving such a racially sensitive skit. Many locals fear this skit will not only focus light on racism occurring in the area but may also deter minority students from enrolling in the school.
Waverly High School administrators have been contacted and have not yet released a statement.
5 Reasons Why You Must Plan For The Future
The future is something we all must plan for. Ready or not the future is ahead of you so you must ask yourself what does my blueprint look like? A blueprint is a detailed plan of action A model or prototype. Here are a few reasons why you need to plan for the future:
1.) You're getting older! Growing up is apart of life and time is something you can't escape. Remember the older you get the more time you will wish you could get back to plan your future so don't waste it.
2.) You have a purpose! We all have a purpose that God has given us and with that we must take it serious. So many people miss out on their purpose in this world, seek yours and go after it now.
3.) People are counting on you! Your future doesn't just impact you but the people around you. So by you giving up is that really fair? It's not.
4.) You have too much to lose! God only made one you, and by you not planning for your future says you don't care. You more than anyone should care about what path you're going down.
5.) Why Not! If you're not really sure about your future take a second to plan and think about it. Seek God on direction because he knows your purpose and has a plan, don't miss out on it.
Cornel West Speaks on Shawn Carter's Ownership of The Nets
Cornel West comments appropriate?... I dont think what he said was wrong because he was just bringing to light the facts. But I don't think he needed to go there.
Is The Substance In Music & TV Gone?
There was a saying at one point in time that said "substance is key" I truly believe that and I also feel like the substance in many of the messages we see today are horrible. I believe that we as people need to be a little more conscious when it comes to the things we are putting out into the media. We now have the ability through mediums such as Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites to make a positive impact.
In a lot of cases I've seen people write, do and say things they don't even like or feel but they do it for the reaction or validation. We don't have to look far to take a look at how music and television has changed over the years. You have artist now who can't even be themselves because they feel they won't reach people. What ever happened to being you?
It is impossible to make something that has substance and has a true purpose behind it if you don't even understand your purpose completely. Let's get back to being true to our respected crafts you are not fooling anyone but yourself when you choose to go against who you are or what you stand for.
Next time you are about to do or say something think about the people on the other end that you may be affecting. Social media in many ways has changed how people judge and view things but that can't be an excuse to hide or not get to the truth. Nasir Jones said a few years ago that "hip hop is dead" and I ask is it alive? In all things let's get back to the substance of things no matter what form it is we all can make a difference so let's do it.
It's Mental Or Is It?
It's so easy to blame others for our problems but is that far? I've seen in many cases where people have been unable to get over their issues because they play the "blame game.." Accountability is everything. I once heard a great quote that said---
“This is your life. You are responsible for it. You will not live forever. Don't wait.”
We are responsible for ourselves and the things that we do. Don't beat yourself down over something you have done, because if you don't get up and move passed it you will stay in that place and be unable to get out of it mentally and spiritually. From a spiritual point of view you must understand that through Jesus you have been set free so you're not bound to what you have done. Mentally you must get your mind right and I don't think that can be accomplished on your own you must seek God.
"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." --Romans 12; 2
This is an important step but the first step to getting to this point is accountability so that you first take responsibility for what you have done then you will be able seek peace in your heart and in your spirit. I'm praying for you that you find peace and you don't beat yourself down over a mistake or choice that you have been forgiven for.
Think "BIG"
Apple who recently released the iPhone 5 and now rumored to be releasing an "iPad mini" is constantly pushing the envelope and trying to take their products to the next level. To create the products that apple creates takes people with a creative mind that are innovative. The reason why a company like Apple is successful is because they dared to be different and it had to all start with a vision.
The Power Of Deception In Church
Ephren Taylor, a man who is notoriously konwn as the youngest-ever black CEO of a publically traded company has been charged by federal authories for running a scam, a Ponzi scheme to be exact. To those who are unfamiliar with the “Ponzi Scheme” a ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that pays returns to its investors from their own money or the money paid by subsequent investors.
In an incredible twist in this unfolding scandal it has been reported that Taylor targetted many African American churches. During multiple visists to churches Taylor swindled more than $11 million from church goers. As a tactic to lure in investors Taylor promised investo(rs that their money would go to charitable organizations. Court documents obtained by the SEC(Securities and Exchange Commissions) show that hundreds of thousands of dollars of investor dollars went to publishing and promoting his books, hiring consultants and funding his wife’s singing career.
Earlier this week the pastor of one of many of Taylor’s “victims”, Pastor Eddie Long made a public appeal asking members to pay back members $1,000,000. While Long’s appeal seems sincere should any of this ever happened?
As pastors of large congregations or congregations in general it is important that pastors serve as gatekeepers to protect their people Sunday after Sunday. If pastors served as gatekeeprs their would be no need to ask for their members to pay back, you know why? Because pastors would have done their own in depth research to know the motives and deception that lied behind those they allowed to come speak into their church on “financial” responsibility. I’m not saying everyone who isn’t directly tied to your church is full of deception but what I am encouraging is that pastors step it to protect their members from the power of deception that can so easily creep into the doors of the church.
Think Before You Speak
“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me”. Whoever came up with that is a complete idiot. Not to be rude or insensitive but let’s be serious when is the last time a stick or a stone has literally broke your bones? It may have hurt but did it break your bones? If it did, my apologies but it’s never happened to me. On that same topic when is the last time someone’s words hurt you? Probably yesterday, an hour ago or even a few minutes ago right? My point exactly.
Often times people think before they speak. People think they have all the answers and have the solutions to everyone’s problems(except their own of course) and never take the time to think how their words will impact others.
Proverbs 18:21 tells us that life and death are in the power of tongue. That means your words can hurt but when used correctly could uplift and transform the very lives of those around you. One of the greatest lessons I’ve ever learned was to think before you think. Apply that principle to your life and watch how it will impact your life.
Starting A Church Okay?
What is a Church planting? It’s a process that results in a new (local) Christian church being established. Is church planting really needed in the world? 85% of churches in the US are dying. And only 18.7% of the US population go to church. On avg. 4,000 churches will be closed this year. These numbers are troubling and they should trouble many others. The unchurched population has grown by 92% in the last 13 years. To say we don’t need churches is crazy. Jesus needs to be preached and taught to the masses.The majority of the group of “unchurched” people don’t have a problem with God but with church. It’s not about new organizations being started but it’s about the gospel being spread.
I personally want to challenge pastors and leaders who are serious about the work of God and his people to go out and spread the good news and raise up other young leaders to go out and plant more churches. It’s something that needs to happen. It is amazing how people can go out and start businesses and grow a brand and that is okay but starting a church in some places is frowned apon and it’s something that I really hope changes. America is dying daily to ingorance and it seems like people are aware of this but at the same time they are fearful for some reason to do something about it.
Hate or Love Tebow
Tim Tebow continues to flood the tv and radio airwaves and earlier this week ESPN radio posed a question “Why is Tim Tebow so popular?”. As the calls began to flood in there were a few who shed negative light on his popularity while others suggested that his career was a mere joke. During this commentary I never once heard his integrity come into question.
With the negative images of professional athletes that continue to pollute our society it is very rare to find an athlete quite like Tebow who turned 25 today. Currently he is making many headlines in New York as he takes the field this year with his new Jets team. Football season has yet to begin yet the criticism has already poured in from analyst and football players alike. Recently, Jets player and current football analyst Boomer Esiason said the New York team should cut him. “If I were the Jets . . . I would cut Tim Tebow, I really would. It’s not in any way, shape or form, I think, benefiting this team.” He went further by saying “All you have to do is watch him throw the ball. I just think this whole thing, at least from my perspective right now in relation to who Mark Sanchez is – your starting quarterback – is a major mistake.”
Tim Tebow who by now is use to people talking about him in a negative way responded.. “I’ve heard nothing but great things about Mr. Esiason,”"I know he was a great player here, and I just wish him nothing but the best in his announcing and God bless him.”
You don’t have to like Tim Tebow the football player but you should respect Tim Tebow the man. This season in New York looks as if it’s going to be an interesting and entertaining one.
Why Is This World So Unforgiving
I like most of the world tuned in to Oprah’s Next Chapter tonight to catch her exclusive interview with Rihanna. For the last few years I have refrained from listening to her music, watching her videos or even watching her on air interviews simply because I didn’t understand her. I didn’t understand why she had suddenly turned so dark and full of hate and hated to see that she was turning into one of the world’s biggest role models for teens. Tonight I gave in and watched the exclusive interview and as I watched Next Chapter I occasionally tuned into twitter to see the response of the twitterverse and I came to one conclusion: the world is unforgiving. Rihanna announced to Oprah that she had forgiven Chris Brown and twitter went ballistic. “How dare she forgive him?” “She’s weak, forgiveness is weakness” and the words went on destroying her for choosing to forgive someone who had wronged her. Now don’t get me wrong what Chris did to her is not justifiable however; the bible teaches us to forgive those who have hurt us.
Having trouble forgiving others? Let’s go visit 1 John 1:9 where it says “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” Notice Jesus forgives our sins EVERY TIME we ask him for forgiveness and since he loves us enough to forgive us it is our DUTY to exemplify that same love by forgiving others.
The choice to forgive is yours but remember forgiveness holds no one else in bondage other than you….
I Know I Need To Wake Up
Hypersomnia, or excessive sleepiness, is a condition in which a person has trouble staying awake. People who have hypersomnia can fall asleep at any time; for instance, at work or while they are driving. They may also have other sleep-related problems, including a lack of energy and trouble thinking clearly.
But many people suffer from spiritual hypersomnia they fall asleep on God or they have never woke up and they have never experienced Gods love & grace. The love and grace of God is there through Jesus but you have to make a choice if you want to receive it. No one can make you take something that you don't want.
According to the National Sleep Foundation, up to 40% of people have some symptoms of hypersomnia from time to time. I'm willing to say that percentage is higher as far as the people who have fell asleep on God. Are you awake if not this is a friendly reminder that is time to get up. :)
The Great Debate
With it being election season we are all aware of the the debates that have been occurring . As interesting and thought provoking as these debates are we must understand that these debates play a major role in the outcome of the upcoming elections. When people debate they engage in argument by discussing opposing points. People who debate typically don't have the same point of view and they usually do not come to an agreement once the debate ceases. I'n politics this is understandable but not in Christianity. Why is it that when Christian people debate each other they are unable to come to an agreement when they both are seeking the same thing and serving the same God? This may not seem like a big deal and I think it has become overlooked because people over the years have become so accustomed to people doing this because quite frankly it seems normal. Does that make it right? In my opinion it's not right because if we are suppose to all be on the same team we sure don't do a good job of showing we are united and on the same page. When debating be reminded of the following things:
It is never good to argue doctrine, but discussions of opposing views can be edifying and beneficial when done so in a respectful way.
The objective of a debate on doctrine should never be to win the debate, but rather to learn and find the truth.
Pride will blind us from seeing the truth. Don't be blinded and caught up in ego and pride that you become more interested in talking and debating the bible rather then living and teaching it.
Have You Downsized?
Free Yourself
We can't keep beating ourselves down and allowing our past to block our movement ahead. A quote I read the other day said "There are many ways of going forward, but only one way of standing still." Learn how to free yourself from the past by letting it go and forgiving the people that hurt you and putting down the things that may be hindering you. Don't depend on drugs or alcohol to get you free from your past because that high doesn't last. Seek God who will deliver you if you ask him to from all the things that are blocking you from your destiny. I pray right now that you will be able to break free from the struggles of your past and those things things that have hindered you for so long.
Do You Have Your Mind Right?
All change is not growth and just because you're moving doesn't mean you're moving forward. Sometimes we can go down a path that feels right and looks right yet it's completely wrong. As humans it's easy to get caught up in our emotions and forget all about God and what his word says. We cannot allow our emotions to get the best of us. We must base our relationship with God on what we know and not how we feel. 2 Tim 1:7 says: "For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."
Use your power. We all have the the ability through the holy spirit to bind up the devil. When we don't exercise this ability we invite stress, fear, struggle and doubt into our lives with open arms.
God has given us love. God showed us his love by sending down his son Jesus to die for our sins. Because of God's unwavering love we all should be thankful and humbled. God loves you but do you love him? Lastly, God has given us a sound mind, a mind that we must keep sober and clear so that we can understand what the Lord wants us to do in our lives. Moving forward is not possible without a sound mind. Do not let your problems or people stop you from moving forward in what God has called you to do and what he wants you to become.
What Do You See?
Vision is being able to see where you’re going, to see what’s up the road ahead, in both literal and figurative senses. With that being said where are you going? I ask the question because the year is almost over and I think and also wonder how many people have thought about their future and the things they want to accomplish in their life. There are many people that have a vision but no drive or passion to go after anything. God gives us visions and allows us to see things but unless we get up and make a move toward them guess what… They mean nothing! In the bible God spoke to many through visions and if you look at today he’s doing the same thing so if he’s doing that today why aren’t more things being done to advance his kingdom? Why are there so many people that are unchurched since we are making a difference right? I feel like more people need to step up to the plate I’m not saying you have to be a pastor but I am saying walk in your calling and fulfill your purpose. If we all played our part things would be a lot smoother.
And not only must you see yourself walking in your purpose you have to get up and go after the things you love the things you want to do in life. I feel bad when I see people with so many gifts so many talents let those things go to waste. Don’t let that be you today you have a choice that you can make so get up and make a difference what are you waiting on? Hey put it this way how do you want to be remembered as someone who didn’t do much for others or someone who made a lasting difference you think about it…
Gotta Make It!
Life would make more sense and be less stressful if we had all the answers. However, life has become so complex that we can't figure out everything and some times all we can ask is what's up, what's going on with my life? As we go through life there will be questions we need answered and there will be things we simply want answers to immediately. Maybe you're reading this and you're saying you've never experienced a what's up moment in your life but if you haven't had a what's up, what's going on experience in your life keep living and you will.
Life will throw things in front of you that you didn't see coming and will cause you to want to give up on your hope and faith but you must ask yourself is it really worth it? Will giving up help or hurt more people who are watching me both knowingly and unknowingly? In my life there have been many times where I said what's up? What's going on? I had become frustrated because I didn't understand why I was dealing with the things I had been dealing with.
We must continue to remind ourselves that things happen for a reason and our problems won't last forever even though they can seem like they are lasting a lifetime. Never lose your hope and do not give up on your faith. If the devil can make you lose those two things you will be at a place where you won't push forward and be all God needs and wants you to become. Giving up is for weak people but strong people will stand, my question for you today is will you stand or will you choose give up on yourself and everything God has promised you? My prayer is that you will stand. Be encouraged.
Can We Really Question God?
When things happen in our lives the first thing we naturally do is ask...Why? Forgetting that everything happens for a reason and that really we control nothing. It doesn't matter how much money you have or who you are, life will always throw you curve balls and there will be things that happen that will have you wanting to question God, but is that really the right response? No, because how can you question God and he created you. Understanding this will help you put things in prospective for you when it comes to events that happen in your life. I was reading the story in John chapter 9 about the blind man, who before Jesus healed him the disciples asked Jesus a interesting question...
"Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parent, that he was born blind?
Why would they ask this? Many times we think because things are bad or something has happened in our lives that seems challenging that it happened because of something we did. Sometimes God will allow things to happen so that he can get glory out of you through your testimony. Your situation isn't just for you! Why do you think God would want you to just suffer for no reason? Just like the blind man. Jesus healed him but before he was healed he had to go through something he didn't want to endure. Like many of us many times we go through stuff we don't like but remember at the end there will be a testimony and God will get glory.
The Bible In America
The Bible has sold more then 6 billion copies and has been around longer than any book in the the world. With those staggering numbers I wonder how many people have actually read it? Thanks to technology you can now access the Bible on your computer, smart phone and tablet which makes that number of 6 billion only increase in regards to the availability of the Bible.
If you read the Bible or not you cannot say it doesn't have an influence in the world we live in. Look at our laws. Many of the laws today are laws that were first written in the Bible clearly showing that this country was formed on Godly principles. I think the churches job and the job of spiritual leaders is to teach and enforce God's word to the people so they can go out and follow what the Bible says. If you're not in a Bible teaching church I pray you find one that's going to tell you the truth.
What's interesting is many don't realize what the bible and Christian influence have accomplished for the betterment of our lives, especially in the US. People are often taught to despise the Bible yet these same people walk around enjoying a good life with abundance here in free America which really we owe this all to God's word. Amazing how people can read the truth (Bible) and not believe in it. This country we live in has been taught to believe in what feels good and what they want. When Jesus was preaching and teaching people didn't believe so what are we to expect today? If you read the word and know the word my prayer is you share it with family and friends who may not know the truth for themselves yet.
What's interesting is many don't realize what the bible and Christian influence have accomplished for the betterment of our lives, especially in the US. People are often taught to despise the Bible yet these same people walk around enjoying a good life with abundance here in free America which really we owe this all to God's word. Amazing how people can read the truth (Bible) and not believe in it. This country we live in has been taught to believe in what feels good and what they want. When Jesus was preaching and teaching people didn't believe so what are we to expect today? If you read the word and know the word my prayer is you share it with family and friends who may not know the truth for themselves yet.
Why Church? Why Starting Life Church?
When you start something you begin an activity, movement or journey. Have you ever thought about what the meaning of life is? Starting life is when you wake up and realize that your existence in this world is far more than just waking up and moving around only to go back to sleep. We all are called to do great things and to fulfill our purpose in life.
Over the years in ministry I have seen and had the chance to meet with different people inside and outside the church and I've noticed that many people in the church were no different then those outside. How you might ask? Because there were people in church that didn't know really who God was and people who didn't know their purpose in life. As the pastor of this church my goal is to encourage people to go deeper in their relationship with God and also understand their calling and then teach them how to walk in it. The Bible is an amazing tool but it must be used and used in a way that people can understand so that they can take what they learn and start to live it. I don't have all the answers as a young pastor but I can say what God has called and given me to do. I pray that if you don't come to Starting Life Church that you're involved in a church that's teaching the truth and preaching Jesus Christ. I also pray that you are doing more than sitting but actually going out and making an impact in your local community because we can't change the world until we change those around us.
At Starting Life Church the goal is to build a community of people who want to win, but only through Jesus Christ. God has called me through our church to encourage and help people understand their purpose in life. So it was appropriate to name the church "Starting Life Church" because I believe if people can understand who God is they can understand their purpose more clearly.
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Starting Life Church |
Over the years in ministry I have seen and had the chance to meet with different people inside and outside the church and I've noticed that many people in the church were no different then those outside. How you might ask? Because there were people in church that didn't know really who God was and people who didn't know their purpose in life. As the pastor of this church my goal is to encourage people to go deeper in their relationship with God and also understand their calling and then teach them how to walk in it. The Bible is an amazing tool but it must be used and used in a way that people can understand so that they can take what they learn and start to live it. I don't have all the answers as a young pastor but I can say what God has called and given me to do. I pray that if you don't come to Starting Life Church that you're involved in a church that's teaching the truth and preaching Jesus Christ. I also pray that you are doing more than sitting but actually going out and making an impact in your local community because we can't change the world until we change those around us.
Have You Grown Up Yet?
The older I get the more I've began to notice what is really important in my life. I have also grown to understand more how naive and ignorant I was when it came to different things. I'm only 24 and God willing I have a long life ahead of me; however the things that once excited me no longer do. I think we all get to a point in life where we grow up and mature into who God wants us to be. Amazing how many people I know and I'm sure you do as well who are in their mid 40's or even older who still act like they did when they were younger. I have come to a point in time in life where I want more for myself and I've began to view things from a different lens. The bible tells us "when I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me". This helps us understand why we have people who still operate and act as though they are inmature even though they know better. It's because many people want to live life and neglect the responsiblities of life. One thing no person can run away from is time but time is something we all wish we can have more of. Growing up can be painful and can be something a person struggles with but it's a must if you want to grow and fulfill your purpose in life. How much longer will you run from your calling in life and if you know your calling when are you going to grow into the person you know you need to be.
Why Addiction Can Ruin Your Life!
Addiction is something we all have struggled with. I don't care who you are and where you're from you have a struggle or have had a struggle.
An addiction is the continued use of a mood altering substance or behaviour despite adverse dependency consequences. Pretty much an addiction is when you depend on something as a means of fulfilling a desire. Once you get addicted to something, your dependence on that behavior or substance can be out of control. People who are addicted don't even understand or realize the people around them they are hurting and effecting.
Any addiction is dangerous when it isn't pleasing to God and when it's against what the bible teaches and tells us. There are many things people are addicted to openly such as drug abuse, alcoholism, smoking and so on. And things done in public can be so easy to judge and ridicule but what about those things done in private that no one can see? Things such as pornography and masturbation. All these things are bad and it doesn't matter if you openly struggle with something or privately struggle, the struggle is real and addiction are killing people daily. So all that gets me to this point....
How do we overcome addiction and how do we get our life back in order from this terrible
problem? Well the first step would be to acknowledge your problem to yourself then to God. So many times we go to God and we aren't real about what we are dealing with like God doesn't know our problem. Secondly, have a willingness to change, God can't save you if your not willing to be saved because he isn't going to force you to do anything. Christ died so that we can have power over sin, but many don't choose this and they settle to struggle and live in defeat to sin. I heard a quote that someone said once and it was "some people need to be liberated from themselves" and that's so true because people are enslaved to sin and addiction and can't break free. Don't be a prisoner to your mind, free yourself and give your addiction to God it may take some time but don't give up. God hasn't given up on you and he is willing to save you from it but you have to be willing to give it to him first. I'm praying for you today if you're struggling with addiction. I'm challenging you to live better, because once you live better you will feel better.
Suicidal thoughts?
Almost everyone would agree that life is the most precious gift that human beings have been given. And we should all be thankful for this wonderful gift but it's easy to take it for granted. But the question is why? Life is full of amazing moments and times and also life is filled with stress, pain and anxiety. Many times people allow the trials of this world to get them down and to the point they no longer appreciate the gift they once believed to be precious called life, this can happen to anyone doesn't matter who you are. Suicidal thoughts are real, suicide is a grievous sin that seriously hurts both the heart of God, and those who loved the deceased. God wants you to know there is hope and life for you. He is the great Healer and Restorer of what has been lost or stolen. Never give up on hope because when you follow God the word hopeless no longer exists. The Bible tells us "Do not be a fool--why die before your time?" Ecclesiastes 7:17 love God and love yourself because your life is bigger then you and bigger than where you are right now in your life. It doesn't matter what you have done in your life God will forgive you through Jesus Christ. The only unforgivable sin is rejecting Christ (Mark 16:16) and blaspheming the Holy Spirit. All other sins can be forgiven so whatever is going on in your mind, body and spirit give it to God and move forward.
The Struggle
None of us can overcome our deficiencies, our sins or our shortcomings without God's help. So the question is why do we even try knowing this? It is only by God's power that we are able to overcome our struggles. The world tells us and teaches us that we can handle our own problems but we can't. And Paul made it clear we can't in the book of Romans 7 when he said "So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me." Paul made it clear that it doesn't matter how hard we try that there will be temptation all around us. And we all can understand where Paul is coming from because we aren't perfect so we need God. It's only by his power and strength that we can stand and make it in this world. So seek God when you're weak and don't wait but do it now.
Who Are You Focused On?
Too many times we talk about what we want and what we need. And don't talk about what God wants and what he needs from us. In the world we live in today its easy to lose our way we start out on fire and focused but along the way we can get off track.. Why does this happen? It happens because we put our guards down and we listen to everyone and everything around us. When we do this we slide back into a state of thinking we can do it ourselves and that we don't need God. God has called us to follow him and seek after him. None of us are perfect but all of us can be better and seek to be more like Jesus each day. Learn from your past and your shortcomings and grow each day. Don't let people hinder you from your purpose and your call. I remember when I first got into ministry I would have to get validation from people to feel like I did the right thing or spoke the right word. But i quickly learned that you can't please people and your not suppose to. Once I went after what God wanted me to do I was able to lose fear that my best wasn't good enough for people and I focused more on pleasing God and being the best person I could be.
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Focus- The center of interest or activity. |
Death Penalty For Pastor?
Iranian Christian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani has been charged, convicted and sentenced to death for apostasy (becoming a Christian.) When Iranian officials demanded that he recant his faith in Jesus Christ or die, he responded, “I cannot.” He has been illegally imprisoned and separated from his wife and two boys since 2009. This man exemplifies a true Christian who is willing to sacrifice everything in this life on earth for his faith the question I ask today is how strong is your faith and would you be willing to do the same?
We must take a stand for what we believe and not shy away from things when they become hard and challenging. No one should be proscuted for what they believe and stripped away from their family this is a major injustice that deserves every bit of attention that it’s receiving. And we all can learn a thing or two from this story and this man I ask that you pray for his family as well as his strength during this time
Pastor Youcef |
We must take a stand for what we believe and not shy away from things when they become hard and challenging. No one should be proscuted for what they believe and stripped away from their family this is a major injustice that deserves every bit of attention that it’s receiving. And we all can learn a thing or two from this story and this man I ask that you pray for his family as well as his strength during this time
What Are You Doing?
When was the last time you lead someone with your actions and not just your words? I read a great quote that said "If your actions inspire others to dream more. learn more, do more and become more. your a leader."I see too many people in leadership positions that don't understand what it means to lead others we all have a voice but not all of us use it. The question I ask is what are you doing? The word doing means, the activities in which a particlar person engages. so better yet what are you engaged in right now in your life and is it getting your closer to God and your future?
This is something that we must think about from time to time because its easy to lose our focus. I have learned the best way to not lose focus is to never lose it to begin with. This is why its very important to keep good people around you and people who are moving foward in life and not causing you to go back. When we lose our focus and when we aren't engaged in things that are of God we not only hurt ourselves, but we hurt the people around us. So I ask again what are you doing? Be an example for someone and understand it's not about you. Let your actions speak and your words follow stay focused and trust God to guide your path.
"What are you doing?'
Are You Working Overtime?
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