Have You Grown Up Yet?
The older I get the more I've began to notice what is really important in my life. I have also grown to understand more how naive and ignorant I was when it came to different things. I'm only 24 and God willing I have a long life ahead of me; however the things that once excited me no longer do. I think we all get to a point in life where we grow up and mature into who God wants us to be. Amazing how many people I know and I'm sure you do as well who are in their mid 40's or even older who still act like they did when they were younger. I have come to a point in time in life where I want more for myself and I've began to view things from a different lens. The bible tells us "when I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me". This helps us understand why we have people who still operate and act as though they are inmature even though they know better. It's because many people want to live life and neglect the responsiblities of life. One thing no person can run away from is time but time is something we all wish we can have more of. Growing up can be painful and can be something a person struggles with but it's a must if you want to grow and fulfill your purpose in life. How much longer will you run from your calling in life and if you know your calling when are you going to grow into the person you know you need to be.