OT? |
Overtime is when time is added to what is normal or better yet it's when you work beyond the hours scheduled for you. Have you ever worked overtime? I'm sure if you have ever had a job or if you have ever been in school that you've had to put in extra work to get a job done. I know your wondering where I'm going with this. When was the last time you put in overtime when it came to God? Or when was the last you went over and beyond seeking after the things of God? I ask this question because we put so much time and effort in other things that we forget that God really wants more of our time. We all have been guilty of neglecting God but how do we stop this and start seeking after him? The first step is slowing down and understanding that in your busy life you must stop and make time for God. You can't do that when your always on the go and around friends and family. God wants time with you. Second, get in the habit of talking to him. In every relationship communication is key. When was the last time you saw a successful relationship that involved two people who didn't talk? It's the same thing with God he wants to hear from you and you need to hear back from him. This can only come when we open up the lines of communication with him. Start now by spending more time with God because there have been times when he unselfishly went over and beyond for you. The best thing you can do is return the favour by going over and beyond for him.