With it being election season we are all aware of the the debates that have been occurring . As interesting and thought provoking as these debates are we must understand that these debates play a major role in the outcome of the upcoming elections. When people debate they engage in argument by discussing opposing points. People who debate typically don't have the same point of view and they usually do not come to an agreement once the debate ceases. I'n politics this is understandable but not in Christianity. Why is it that when Christian people debate each other they are unable to come to an agreement when they both are seeking the same thing and serving the same God? This may not seem like a big deal and I think it has become overlooked because people over the years have become so accustomed to people doing this because quite frankly it seems normal. Does that make it right? In my opinion it's not right because if we are suppose to all be on the same team we sure don't do a good job of showing we are united and on the same page. When debating be reminded of the following things:
It is never good to argue doctrine, but discussions of opposing views can be edifying and beneficial when done so in a respectful way.
The objective of a debate on doctrine should never be to win the debate, but rather to learn and find the truth.
Pride will blind us from seeing the truth. Don't be blinded and caught up in ego and pride that you become more interested in talking and debating the bible rather then living and teaching it.