5 Reasons Why You Must Plan For The Future
The future is something we all must plan for. Ready or not the future is ahead of you so you must ask yourself what does my blueprint look like? A blueprint is a detailed plan of action A model or prototype. Here are a few reasons why you need to plan for the future:
1.) You're getting older! Growing up is apart of life and time is something you can't escape. Remember the older you get the more time you will wish you could get back to plan your future so don't waste it.
2.) You have a purpose! We all have a purpose that God has given us and with that we must take it serious. So many people miss out on their purpose in this world, seek yours and go after it now.
3.) People are counting on you! Your future doesn't just impact you but the people around you. So by you giving up is that really fair? It's not.
4.) You have too much to lose! God only made one you, and by you not planning for your future says you don't care. You more than anyone should care about what path you're going down.
5.) Why Not! If you're not really sure about your future take a second to plan and think about it. Seek God on direction because he knows your purpose and has a plan, don't miss out on it.